86.17121115666      sales@ropemesh.com.au


» Products

Our range includes durable stainless steel ferrule rope mesh, knotted rope mesh, vinyl coated rope mesh, and welded wire mesh, ideal for all your zoo and aviary enclosure needs.

Welcome to our range of stainless steel mesh, designed for zoos, aviaries, and enclosures. We offer stainless steel ferrule rope mesh for strong, flexible animal enclosures and safety nets. Our knotted rope mesh is durable, perfect for dynamic animal habitats. For extra protection, our vinyl coated rope mesh resists rust and wear, ideal for various applications including architectural decorations. The stainless steel welded wire mesh, available in grades 304, 316, and 316L, is suited for a wide range of enclosures, offering corrosion resistance and customizable sizes. Our products focus on quality, innovation, and enhancing animal well-being.