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Wire Rope Mesh: Versatile Material with Exceptional Resilience

» Wire Rope Mesh » Wire Rope Mesh: Versatile Material with Exceptional Resilience

  • Wire Rope Mesh: Versatile Material with Exceptional Resilience

    Wire Rope Mesh
    • Specifications

    Wire rope mesh, also called Cable Mesh Netting, comes from high-quality stainless steel wire rope. It stands out for its great resistance to corrosion, ability to stand up to UV light, and long life, even in tough places. The biggest plus of wire cable mesh is how tough and flexible it is. You can find it in different styles like knotted, ferrule type, woven square, or square mesh with cross clamps. Architects love using wire rope mesh for the endless design possibilities it offers.


    Wire rope mesh allows clear views, making spaces feel open and unconfined.

    It’s flexible, safe for animals, and strong.

    This mesh is low-maintenance, lasts long, and cuts costs.

    It’s light, eco-friendly, easy to use, and recyclable.

    Available in various sizes and strengths for all needs.

    Ferruled Type wire rope mesh
    Item No.s Cable diameter Mesh Opening(W x H) Normal Break
    inch mm inch mm lbs.
    SL-3212K 1/8 3.2 4.75 x 8.23 120 x 207.8 1,600
    SL-3210K 1/8 3.2 4 x 6.9 102 x 176.7 1,600
    SL-3290K 1/8 3.2 3.55 x 6.15 90 x 156 1,600
    SL-3276K 1/8 3.2 3 x 5.2 76 x 131.6 1,600
    SL-3251K 1/8 3.2 2 x 3.46 51 x 88.3 1,600
    SL-2410K 3/32 2.4 4 x 6.9 102 x 176.7 920
    SL-2490K 3/32 2.4 3.55 x 6.15 90 x 156 920
    SL-2476K 3/32 2.4 3 x 5.2 76 x 131.6 920
    SL-2460K 3/32 2.4 2.4 x 4.16 60 x 104 920
    SL-2451K 3/32 2.4 2 x 3.46 51 x 88.3 920
    SL-2076K 5/64 2.0 3 x 5.2 76 x 131.6 676
    SL-2060K 5/64 2.0 2.4 x 4.16 60 x 104 676
    SL-2051K 5/64 2.0 2 x 3.46 51 x 88.3 676
    Knotted Type wire rope mesh
    Item No.s Cable diameter Mesh Opening(W x H) Cable Structure
    mm mm
    SL-4021B 4.0 210 x 210 7 x 19
    SL-4018B 4.0 180 x 180 7 x 19
    SL-4015B 4.0 150 x 150 7 x 19
    SL-4012B 4.0 120 x 120 7 x 19
    SL-3021B 3.0 210 x 210 7 x 19
    SL-3018B 3.0 180 x 180 7 x 7
    SL-3015B 3.0 150 x 150 7 x 7
    SL-2013B 3.0 120 x 120 7 x 7
    SL-3010B 3.0 100 x 100 7 x 7
    SL-3075B 3.0 75 x 75 7 x 7
    SL-2018B 2.0 180 x 180 7 x 7
    SL-2015B 2.0 150 x 150 7 x 7
    SL-2012B 2.0 120 x 120 7 x 7
    SL-2010B 2.0 100 x 100 7 x 7
    SL-2075B 2.0 75 x 75 7 x 7
    SL-2060B 2.0 60 x 60 7 x 7
    SL-2050B 2.0 50 x 50 7 x 7
    SL-1510B 1.5 100 x 100 7 x 7
    SL-1575B 1.5 75 x 75 7 x 7
    SL-1560B 1.5 60 x 60 7 x 7
    SL-1550B 1.5 50 x 50 7 x 7



    There are two main types of Stainless steel wire rope mesh: knotted mesh and ferruled mesh. Both have the same physical properties, with the only difference being the combination style. Knotted mesh features a plain weave, while ferruled mesh combines stainless wire rope with ferrules made of the same grade of stainless steel.



    Stainless steel  cable mesh is suitable for a wide range of applications, including bird nets, zoos, greenhouses, airports, fencing, hall decorations, green wall series, and more. Its safety, lightweight design, and high strength make it an ideal choice for various uses.


    In summary, wire rope mesh offers a versatile and durable solution for a wide range of applications. Its flexibility, resilience, and numerous advantages make it an ideal choice for architects and other professionals seeking a low-maintenance and environmentally friendly option.

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