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Rope Diamond Ferrule Mesh: A Versatile and Economical Solution

» Anti-Theft Backpack & Bag Protector » Rope Diamond Ferrule Mesh: A Versatile and Economical Solution

  • Rope Diamond Ferrule Mesh: A Versatile and Economical Solution

    Anti-Theft Backpack & Bag Protector
    • Specifications

    Rope Diamond Ferrule Mesh is a classic, versatile, and cost-effective option for various uses. It’s made through a unique process that uses less material. Despite this, it maintains the same strength. This quality makes it beneficial in terms of both price and looks. The mesh is ideal for zoo enclosures, aviary netting, and animal fencing. It’s also great for balcony wire railings, bridge railing mesh, and stainless steel wire mesh fences.


    Advantages of Rope Diamond Ferrule Mesh:

    1. Corrosion resistance, lightweight, high strength
    2. Total pro-environment, recyclable, non-toxic, non-flammable
    3. Stable in structure, strong, and durable with ultra-long service life
    4. Maintenance-free, no special cleaning or coating required
    5. Soft touch, efficient, and protective of bird feathers and animal skin


    Applications of Rope Diamond Ferrule Mesh:

    • Zoo Enclosures and Aviaries
    • Animal Fencing
    • Balcony Wire Railing
    • Bridge Railing Mesh
    • Stainless Steel Wire Mesh Fence

    Specification Table for Rope Diamond Ferrule Mesh:

    Specification Details
    Material Stainless steel 304, 316, 316L
    Ferrule Material Tinned copper, nickel-plated copper, stainless steel
    Surface Treatment Silver or Black Oxide finish
    Steel Wire Rope Structure 7×7, 7×19
    Wire Diameter 1.0-6.0mm, Customized
    Standard Mesh Opening Size 20-200mm, Customized
    Mesh Opening Angles 60°, 70°, 75°, 80°, 90° (60° as the standard opening)
    Connection Ferrule or knotted

    Mesh Opening Sizes (OWxOH):

    Wire Diameter 1.0mm (7×7) 1.6mm (7×7) 2.0mm (7×7) 2.4mm (7×7) 3.0mm (7×19) 3.2mm (7×19)
    20×35 LE1020
    25×43 LE1025 LE1625
    30×52 LE1030 LE1630
    35×61 LE1035 LE1635
    40×69 LE1040 LE1640 LE2040
    50×87 LE1050 LE1650 LE2050 LE2450 LE3050 LE3250
    60×104 LE1060 LE1660 LE2060 LE2460 LE3060 LE3260
    70×102 LE1070 LE1670 LE2070 LE2470 LE3070 LE3270
    80×139 LE1080 LE1680 LE2080 LE2480 LE3080 LE3280
    100×173 LE10100 LE16100 LE20100 LE24100 LE30100 LE32100
    120×242 LE10120 LE16120 LE20120 LE24120 LE30120 LE32120
    160×227 LE10160 LE16160 LE20160 LE24160 LE30160 LE32160
    180×312 LE10180 LE16180 LE20180 LE24180 LE30180 LE32180
    200×346 LE10200 LE16200 LE20200 LE24200 LE30200 LE32200

    Mesh Orientation and Connection:

    Rope diamond ferrule mesh can be oriented and connected in various ways based on customer requirements, ensuring a perfect fit for any application.


    Product Application:

    Rope diamond ferrule mesh is suitable for numerous applications, including railing infill, protective nets, safety nets, barricades, fences, zoo mesh, aviaries, suicide prevention, green facades, animal enclosures, artwork, ball nets, stairwells, skylight protection, fall-stop nets, bridge protection, and machine protection.

    In conclusion, rope diamond ferrule mesh is a versatile, flexible, and economical solution for various applications. Its unique manufacturing process, corrosion resistance, and lightweight design make it ideal for zoo enclosures, aviaries, animal fencing, and railing systems. The mesh is also environmentally friendly, recyclable, and maintenance-free, ensuring a long-lasting and sustainable choice for your next project.

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