
» 不鏽鋼打結繩網 » Zoo Enclosure Mesh for Wildlife Conservation


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In the world of wildlife conservation and education, zoos play a vital role in connecting humans with animals. Ensuring the safety and security of both visitors and the animals themselves is paramount. Enter zoo enclosure mesh, a revolutionary solution made from high-quality stainless steel wire cable. This article delves into the versatility and advantages of this innovative mesh, exploring its applications, 規格, and standout features. By combining strength, 透明度, 和靈活性, zoo enclosure mesh is transforming the way enclosures are designed, providing an ideal balance of safety and aesthetics.


Specifications of Zoo Enclosure Mesh:

商品編號. 電纜直徑 (英寸) 電纜直徑 (毫米) Mesh Opening (寬 x 高) (英寸) Mesh Opening (寬 x 高) (毫米) 正常休息 (磅。)
SL-3212K 1/8 3.2 4.75 x 8.23 120 x 207.8 1,600
SL-3210K 1/8 3.2 4 x 6.9 102 x 176.7 1,600
SL-3290K 1/8 3.2 3.55 x 6.15 90 x 156 1,600
SL-3276K 1/8 3.2 3 x 5.2 76 x 131.6 1,600
SL-3251K 1/8 3.2 2 x 3.46 51 x 88.3 1,600
SL-2410K 3/32 2.4 4 x 6.9 102 x 176.7 920
SL-2490K 3/32 2.4 3.55 x 6.15 90 x 156 920
SL-2476K 3/32 2.4 3 x 5.2 76 x 131.6 920
SL-2460K 3/32 2.4 2.4 x 4.16 60 x 104 920
SL-2451K 3/32 2.4 2 x 3.46 51 x 88.3 920
SL-2076K 5/64 2.0 3 x 5.2 76 x 131.6 676
SL-2060K 5/64 2.0 2.4 x 4.16 60 x 104 676
SL-2051K 5/64 2.0 2 x 3.46 51 x 88.3 676
Knotted Type:
商品編號. 電纜直徑 (毫米) Mesh Opening (寬 x 高) (毫米) Cable Structure
SL-4021B 4.0 210 x 210 7 x 19
SL-4018B 4.0 180 x 180 7 x 19
SL-4015B 4.0 150 x 150 7 x 19
SL-4012B 4.0 120 x 120 7 x 19

Applications of Zoo Enclosure Mesh

Zoo enclosure mesh offers a myriad of applications in the realm of wildlife management and protection. Its transparent and durable nature makes it suitable for a wide range of uses, including barriers on bridges and staircases. By utilizing this mesh, security can be enhanced without obstructing the view, providing an unobstructed experience for visitors. 此外, zoo enclosures themselves benefit from the flexibility and security offered by zoo enclosure mesh, allowing animals to move naturally while ensuring visitor safety. 此外, the mesh can be employed in building facade trellis systems, adding an aesthetic touch while offering support for climbing plants. Its versatility extends beyond the confines of zoos, finding utility in other applications such as large barrier fences and flexible safety nets.

Specifications of Zoo Enclosure Mesh

Zoo enclosure mesh is available in a range of specifications to meet specific requirements. The ferruled type, known for its sturdy construction, comes in various cable diameters and mesh openings. 例如, item SL-3212K boasts a cable diameter of 1/8 英寸 (3.2 毫米) and a mesh opening of 4.75 x 8.23 英寸 (120 x 207.8 毫米). Each specification includes a normal break strength, ensuring the mesh’s ability to withstand external forces. The knotted type, on the other hand, offers a distinct cable structure, providing extra security and strength. With different cable diameters and mesh openings, such as item SL-4021B with a cable diameter of 4.0 mm and a mesh opening of 210 x 210 毫米, the knotted type is an excellent choice for applications that require enhanced security.



Zoo enclosure mesh stands out due to its durability, rust resistance, 和長壽, thanks to its stainless steel construction. This material ensures the mesh can withstand harsh outdoor conditions and provide long-term reliability. Its flexibility allows for easy adaptation to various enclosure designs, offering architects and zookeepers a versatile solution. The customization of handwoven wire cable mesh panels further simplifies installation, saving both time and effort. 此外, the low maintenance requirements of stainless steel rope mesh contribute to cost savings, enabling zoo operators to allocate resources more efficiently.

Ends of Zoo Enclosure Mesh

With a variety of mesh styles available, such as diamond, square, and rectangular patterns, zookeepers and designers have the freedom to select the style that best complements their vision. Each style adds its own unique aesthetic while maintaining safety and comfort for the animals. By carefully considering the specific needs and requirements of the enclosure, the appropriate mesh style can be chosen to provide the desired visual impact and functionality.



Zoo enclosure mesh, made from high-quality stainless steel wire cable, is revolutionizing the way zoos approach safety and aesthetics. Its transparency, 強度, and flexibility make it an ideal choice for a wide range of applications, from bridges and staircases to large barrier fences and building facade trellis systems. With customizable specifications and various mesh styles available, zookeepers and designers have the freedom to create enclosures that prioritize both safety and visitor experience. By utilizing zoo enclosure mesh, zoos can maintain the delicate balance between safety, 安全, and the immersive connection between humans and animals.

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