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    • 規格

    Cable Mesh Netting is a versatile, 強, and aesthetically pleasing solution for a wide range of applications, from animal enclosures and safety barriers to architectural installations and building facades. This article provides an in-depth look at two popular types of stainless steel rope meshStainless Steel ferrule cable mesh netting and Stainless Steel knotted cable mesh netting. We’ll discuss their specifications, 應用, and advantages, showcasing why zoo aviary mesh is the ideal choice for your next project.


    1. Stainless Steel Ferrule Cable Mesh Netting

    Ferrule Stainless steel rope mesh features a unique combination style, utilizing seamless ferrules to join cables together and create a resilient metal fabric with rhombus-shaped holes. This flexible mesh offers numerous advantages, making it suitable for various applications.


    1.1 規格

    Ferrule Cable Mesh Netting is available in various dimensions, cable materials, and cable constructions, depending on your project requirements. The following table highlights some of the key specifications:

    Mesh size (W × H) 毫米 線徑 (毫米) Tensile strength (N/mm^2) Breaking load (磅。) – AISI公司 304 Breaking load (磅。) – AISI公司 316
    25 × 43 1.5 FCM-B1 1770 270 202
    30 × 52 1.5 FCM-B2 1770 270 202
    35 × 61 1.5 FCM-B3 1770 270 202
    35 × 61 2 FCM-C3 1570 360 315
    40 × 69 1.5 FCM-B4 1770 270 202
    40 × 69 2 FCM-C4 1570 360 315
    50 × 87 1.5 FCM-B5 1770 270 202
    50 × 87 2 FCM-C5 1570 360 315
    50 × 87 3 FCM-D5 1570 1371 1169
    50 × 87 4 FCM-E5 1570 3731 3282
    60 × 104 1.5 FCM-B6 1770 270 202
    60 × 104 2 FCM-C6 1570 360 315
    60 × 104 3 FCM-D6 1570 1371 1169
    60 × 104 4 FCM-E6 1570 3731 3282
    70 × 121 1.5 FCM-B7 1770 270 202
    70 × 121 2 FCM-C7 1570 360 315
    70 × 121 3 FCM-D7 1570 1371 1169
    70 × 121 4 FCM-E7 1570 3731 3282
    80 × 139 1.5 FCM-B8 1770 270 202
    80 × 139 2 FCM-C8 1570 360 315
    80 × 139 3 FCM-D8 1570 1371 1169
    80 × 139 4 FCM-E8 1570 3731 3282
    100 × 173 1.5 FCM-B9 1770 270 202
    100 × 173 2 FCM-C9 1570 360 315
    100 × 173 3 FCM-D9 1570 1371 1169
    100 × 173 4 FCM-E9 1570 3731 3282
    120 × 208 1.5 FCM-B10 1770 270 202
    120 × 208 2 FCM-C10 1570 360 315
    120 × 208 3 FCM-D10 1570 1371 1169
    120 × 208 4 FCM-E10 1570 3731 3282
    1.2 應用

    由於其靈活性, 強度, and high transparency, ferrule cable mesh netting is commonly used in:

    • 動物圍欄, cages, 和鳥網
    • Balustrades for bridges, paths, and stairs
    • Security fences and anti-climb barriers
    • Architectural installations and facades
    • Ceiling and parking garage installations


    1.3 優勢

    Some key advantages of ferrule cable mesh netting include:

    • High transparency for optimal light and air passage
    • High strength and impact resistance
    • 靈活, adaptable structure for creative installations
    • Non-flammable and environmentally friendly
    • Anti-climb properties for enhanced security
    • Weather-resistant and low-maintenance
    1. Stainless Steel Knotted Cable Mesh Netting

    Knotted cable mesh netting is another type of cable mesh that features knots at the intersections of the cables, providing a strong and flexible structure. Like ferrule cable mesh netting, it shares similar properties and is suitable for various applications.

    2.1 規格

    Knotted cable mesh netting is available in a range of dimensions, cable materials, and cable constructions. The following table showcases some of the key specifications:

    Knotted Cable Mesh Netting- 1/8″ Cable
    法典 電纜直徑 (在) Hole size (毫米) Normal break (在) Rope structure Tensile strength (磅。)
    KCM-A51 1/8″ 3.2 2″ × 2″ 51 毫米× 51 毫米 1600
    KCM-A76 1/8″ 3.2 3″ × 3″ 76 毫米× 76 毫米 1600
    KCM-A90 1/8″ 3.2 3.55″ × 3.55 90 毫米× 90 毫米 1600
    KCM-A102 1/8″ 3.2 4″ × 4″ 102 毫米× 102 毫米 1600
    KCM-A120 1/8″ 3.2 4.75″ × 4.75 120 毫米× 120 毫米 1600
    Knotted Cable Mesh Netting – 3/32″ Cable
    法典 電纜直徑 (在) Hole size (毫米) Normal break (在) Rope structure Tensile strength (磅。)
    KCM-B51 3/32″ 2.4 2″ × 2″ 51 毫米× 51 毫米 920
    KCM-B60 3/32″ 2.4 2.4″ × 2.4″ 60 毫米× 60 毫米 920
    KCM-B76 3/32″ 2.4 3″ × 3″ 76 毫米× 76 毫米 920
    KCM-B90 3/32″ 2.4 3.55″ × 3.55 90 毫米× 90 毫米 920
    KCM-B102 3/32″ 2.4 4″ × 4″ 102 毫米× 102 毫米 920
    Knotted Cable Mesh Netting – 5/64″ Cable
    法典 電纜直徑 (在) Hole size (毫米) Normal break (在) Rope structure Tensile strength (磅。)
    KCM-C38 5/64″ 2.0 1.5″ × 1.5″ 38 毫米× 38 毫米 676
    KCM-C51 5/64″ 2.0 2″ × 2″ 51 毫米× 51 毫米 676
    KCM-C60 5/64″ 2.0 3″ × 3″ 60 毫米× 60 毫米 676
    KCM-C76 5/64″ 2.0 3.55″ × 3.55 76 毫米× 76 毫米 676
    Knotted Cable Mesh Netting – 3/64″ Cable
    法典 電纜直徑 (在) Hole size (毫米) Normal break (在) Rope structure Tensile strength (磅。)
    KCM-E20 3/64″ 1.2 0.8″ × 0.8″ 20 毫米× 20 毫米 270
    KCM-E25 3/64″ 1.2 1″ × 1″ 25.4 毫米× 25.4 毫米 270
    KCM-E30 3/64″ 1.2 1.2″ × 1.2 30 毫米× 30 毫米 270
    KCM-E38 3/64″ 1.2 1.5″ × 1.5″ 38 毫米× 38 毫米 270

    2.2 應用

    Due to its versatility and durability, knotted Stainless Steel Wire Cable Mesh is extensively used in:

    • Building screens and security fencing
    • Division screens and zoo enclosures
    • Animal cages and aviary netting
    • Infill balustrade panels and fall protection
    • Green facades and decorative installations

    2.3 優勢

    Some of the key advantages of knotted cable mesh netting include:

    • High versatility for a wide range of applications
    • Excellent security with a flat surface to prevent scratching
    • Superb durability with high impact and break resistance
    • Aesthetic appeal with high transparency and elegant appearance
    • Long lifespan (over 30 年) with low maintenance requirements


    Cable mesh netting is a reliable and versatile solution for a variety of applications, thanks to its strength, 靈活性, 和耐用性. Whether you opt for stainless steel ferrule wire rope mesh netting or knotted cable mesh netting, you can be confident in the performance, 美學, and longevity of your chosen material. With numerous advantages and a range of specifications available, X-Tend stainless steel cable mesh is the ideal choice for your next project, whether it’s an architectural installation, 動物圍欄, or security fencing.



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