不銹鋼鋼絲繩編織網: 特點和優勢

» 不銹鋼繩網 » Stainless Steel Wire Rope Woven Mesh: 特點和優勢

  • 不銹鋼鋼絲繩編織網: 特點和優勢

    不銹鋼繩網, 電纜網
    • Product Names: Interwoven Stainless Steel Cable Mesh, Hand Woven Stainless Steel Cable Mesh, Knotted Stainless Steel Wire Rope Mesh
    • 材料: SS304/SS316/SS316L
    • 特徵: 輕, Good flexibility, 高強度, Good transparency, Good invisibility
    • 應用: 動物園網格, Animal enclosure, Bird aviary mesh, Anti-falling safety net, Garden fence
    • Weaving Technique: Hand woven
    • Structure: 7x7 or 7x19 stainless steel wire cable
    • 優勢: Suitable for large-span installations, Good resistance to storms, Good protection for flying birds and land animals
    • Company Experience: Extensive experience in producing and installing zoo enclosures and aviaries
    • Additional Uses: Can also be used as safety or protective mesh
    • 規格

    Stainless steel wire rope woven mesh is a durable, 靈活, and eco-friendly solution commonly used in zoo fences, animal enclosure nets, and birdhouse nets. Made from high-quality stainless steel, it offers a long service life of over 30 years and guarantees on-time delivery. 在這篇文章中, we will discuss the features, advantages, and applications of stainless steel wire rope woven mesh.


    Here are the features of the Stainless Steel Wire Rope Woven Mesh:

    • 材料: We make the mesh from different types of stainless steel, including types 304, 304L, 316, 同316L.
    • Structure: We weave the mesh from stainless steel wire ropes, which form a square mesh when stretched at a 90-degree angle.
    • 線徑: The wire diameters we offer include 1/8″, 3/32″, 1/16″, and 3/64″.
    • Mesh Aperture Size: Our standard mesh aperture sizes are 1″ 1倍″, 1-1/2″ x 1-1/2″, 2″ 2個″, 3″ 3倍″, 同4″ 4倍″.
    • Customization: We can tailor the mesh sizes to meet customer requirements.


    商品編號 電纜直徑 網格孔徑(寬x高) 正常休息
    英寸 毫米 英寸 毫米
    BM-3212F型 1/8 3.2 4.75 x 8.23 120 x 207.8 1600
    BM-3210F型 1/8 3.2 4 x 6.9 102 x 156 1600
    BM-3290F型 1/8 3.2 3.55 x 6.15 90 x 156 1600
    BM-3276F型 1/8 3.2 3 x 5.2 76 x 131.6 1600
    BM-3251F型 1/8 3.2 2 x 3.46 51 x 88.3 1600
    BM-2410F型 3/32 2.4 4 x 6.9 102 x 176.7 920
    BM-2490F型 3/32 2.4 3.55 x 6.15 90 x 156 920
    BM-2476F型 3/32 2.4 3 x 5.2 76 x 131.6 920
    BM-2460F型 3/32 2.4 2.4 x 4.16 60 x 104 920
    BM-2451F型 3/32 2.4 2 x 3.46 51 x 88.3 920
    BM-2076F型 5/64 2.0 3 x 5.2 76 x 131.6 676
    BM-2060F型 5/64 2.0 2.4 x 4.16 60 x 104 676
    BM-2051F型 5/64 2.0 2 x 3.46 51 x 88.3 676
    BM-2038F型 5/64 2.0 1-1/2 x 2.6 38 x 65.8 676
    BM-1676F型 1/16 1.6 1.2 x 2.08 76 x 131.6 480
    BM-1651F型 1/16 1.6 2 x 3.46 51 x 88.3 480
    BM-1638F型 1/16 1.6 1-1/2 x 2.6 38 x 65.8 480
    BM-1630F型 1/16 1.6 1.2 x 2.08 30 x 52 480
    BM-1625F型 1/16 1.6 1 x 1.73 25.4 x 44 480
    BM-1238F型 3/64 1.2 1-1/2 x 2.6 38 x 65.8 270
    BM-1230F型 3/64 1.2 1.2 x 2.08 30 x 52 270
    BM-1225F型 3/64 1.2 1 x 1.73 25.4 x 44 270
    BM-1220F 3/64 1.2 4/5 x 1.39 20 x 34.6 270


    • 耐久性: This mesh is almost indestructible because it’s made of stainless steel. It safely contains various species, whether they are on land, in the air, indoors, or outdoors.
    • Flexible and Lightweight: You can easily install the mesh and adapt it to different shapes and terrains.
    • 耐腐蝕性: Stainless steel makes the mesh rust-free, which means low maintenance and a long lifespan.
    • Eco-friendly: The mesh does not use chemicals and is reusable, making it a great choice for the environment.
    • Aesthetically Pleasing: The mesh has a discreet, elegant look that enhances its surroundings with a clear view.
    • Easy Construction: You can easily build and install the mesh in any condition.
    • Custom-made: We can make the mesh to meet specific needs.


    Over the last ten years, we’ve used stainless steel wire rope woven mesh in various projects:

    • Zoo Enclosures: The mesh is perfect for safely containing a wide range of animals like birds, 馬騮, 猩猩, gorillas, tigers, 獅子, 豹子, deer, 同更多.
    • Parks and Sports Fields: The mesh acts as a safe and secure barrier for public spaces and sports facilities.
    • Aviaries and Safaris: It provides a strong and visually appealing enclosure for birds and animals.
    • Amusement Parks and Architectural Ornaments: You can use the mesh to create unique designs and decorative elements in various settings.
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    動物園網格 bird aviary cable mesh animal enclosure mesh
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    Green wall mesh animal enclosure mesh animal enclosure mesh

    Conclusion Stainless steel wire rope woven mesh

    Stainless steel wire rope woven mesh is an ideal solution for zoo enclosures, animal protection, and numerous other applications. 它的耐用性, 靈活性, and eco-friendly nature make it a popular choice for various projects. With customizable mesh sizes and a wide range of specifications, it can cater to any requirements. Choose stainless steel wire rope woven mesh for your next project and experience the difference for yourself.

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