不銹鋼鋼絲繩網: 具有挑戰性嘅項目解決方案

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  • 不銹鋼鋼絲繩網: 具有挑戰性嘅項目解決方案



    • 原產地: 中國
    • 品牌: 詠唱
    • 認證: CE ISO9000
    • 型號: CHANT-C 1008

    付款 & 運輸條款

    • 最小起訂量: 5 米2
    • 價格: USD 4.2-28 /米2
    • 包裝細節: 木箱
    • 交貨時間: 5-8 日
    • 付款條件: 信用狀, 電匯, 西聯匯款
    • 供應能力: 8000m2/周
    • 規格

    The stainless steel rope mesh is a strong cable, made with 7×7 或7×19 不銹鋼. It beats similar products in practicality, 安全, 耐久性, and looks. Our company makes eco-friendly, fireproof, and reusable stainless steel wire rope mesh. It’s flexible for easy bending, folding, transport, and installation. Made mainly from AISI 304 and AISI 316L materials, our mesh lasts over 30 年.


    Stainless steel rope mesh works well in many places:

    • It makes great safety guards, keeping people and property safe from accidents.
    • You can use it as stylish partition screens to divide spaces in a cool way.
    • It’s perfect for zoo enclosures, giving animals a safe and good-looking home.
    • The mesh is strong and lasts long, making it great for animal cages.
    • You can use it for railing panel infills to add safety and style.
    • Birdhouse netting with this mesh secures birds without blocking their view.
    • It helps prevent falls, adding safety in different places.
    • The mesh is ideal for green facades, supporting climbing plants and looking good.
    • You can use it for parking lots and garage facades, making them look better and work well.
    • Its elegant look and versatility make it a top choice for decorative touches.
    • In workshops, it serves as storage, safety barriers, or other handy accessories.



    stainless steel wire rope mesh – 1/8″ cable

    法典 電纜直徑 Hole size Normal break Rope structure
    A51 1/8″ 3.2 毫米 2″ × 2. 51 mm × 51 毫米 1600 磅 Seven × 19 cable structure
    A76 1/8″ 3.2 毫米 3″ × 3. 76 mm × 76 毫米 1600 磅
    A90 1/8″ 3.2 毫米 3.55″ × 3.55 90 mm × 90 毫米 1600 磅
    A102 1/8″ 3.2 毫米 4″ × 4.” 102 mm × 102 毫米 1600 磅
    A120 1/8″ 3.2 毫米 4.75″ × 4.75. 120 mm × 120 毫米 1600 磅

    cable mesh – 3/32″ cable

    法典 電纜直徑 Hole size Normal break Rope structure
    B51 3/32″ 2.4 毫米 2″ × 2. 51 mm × 51 毫米 920 磅 Seven × seven cable structure
    B60 3/32″ 2.4 毫米 2.4″ × 2.4. 60 mm × 60 毫米 920 磅
    B76 3/32″ 2.4 毫米 3″ × 3. 76 mm × 76 毫米 920 磅
    B90 3/32″ 2.4 毫米 3.55″ × 3.55 90 mm × 90 毫米 920 磅
    B102 3/32″ 2.4 毫米 4″ × 4.” 102 mm × 102 毫米 920 磅

    cable mesh – 5/64″ cable

    法典 電纜直徑 Hole size Normal break Rope structure
    C38 5/64″ 2.0 毫米 1.5″ × 1.5 38 mm × 38 毫米 676 磅 Seven × seven cable structure
    C51 5/64″ 2.0 毫米 2″ × 2. 51 mm × 51 毫米 676 磅
    C60 5/64″ 2.0 毫米 3″ × 3. 60 mm × 60 毫米 676 磅
    C76 5/64″ 2.0 毫米 3.55″ × 3.55 76 mm × 76 毫米 676 磅

    cable mesh – 1/16″ cable

    法典 電纜直徑 Hole size Normal break Rope structure
    D25 1/16″ 1.6 毫米 1″ × 1. 25.4 mm × 25.4 毫米 480 磅 7 × seven cable structure
    D30 1/16″ 1.6 毫米 1.2″ × 1.2 30 mm × 30 毫米 480 磅
    D38 1/16″ 1.6 毫米 1.5″ × 1.5 38 mm × 38 毫米 480 磅
    D51 1/16″ 1.6 毫米 2″ × 2. 51 mm × 51 毫米 480 磅
    D60 1/16″ 1.6 毫米 3″ × 3. 60 mm × 60 毫米 480 磅
    cable mesh – 3/64″ cable
    法典 電纜直徑 Hole size Normal break Rope structure
    E20 3/64″ 1.2 毫米 0.8″ × 0.8 20 mm × 20 毫米 270 磅 7 × seven cable structure
    E25 3/64″ 1.2 毫米 1″ × 1. 25.4 mm × 25.4 毫米 270 磅
    E30 3/64″ 1.2 毫米 1.2″ × 1.2 30 mm × 30 毫米 270 磅
    E38 3/64″ 1.2 毫米 1.5″ × 1.5 38 mm × 38 毫米 270 磅

    不銹鋼繩網: 主要優勢


    The flat surface and impact resistance of stainless steel wire rope mesh effectively avoid human and animal capture, providing excellent protection and minimizing fall-related losses.


    Made of high-quality stainless steel AISI304 or AISI316, the mesh has an indestructible structure that offers high impact and fracture resistance, excellent wear resistance, and high snow load-bearing capacity. It also protects against destructive chewing by rodents and other pests.


    Aesthetic Properties:

    Diamond-shaped holes allow for high transparency without obstructing the line of sight. Its elegant appearance and durable construction make it popular among garden designers and architects worldwide.

    Extended Service Life:

    With significant weather resistance, UV resistance, 腐蝕, and rust resistance, stainless steel rope mesh has a service life of over 30 years without requiring special maintenance, 清洗, or coating.



    Stainless steel rope mesh is a versatile and durable solution for various applications, from zoo enclosures and safety guards to green facades and decorative elements. With its impressive safety, 耐久性, and aesthetic properties, stainless steel rope mesh offers a long-lasting and elegant solution for numerous purposes.

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