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    BMP’s stainless steel rope decorative wire mesh is popular for various applications, including giant aviaries. Many zoos use our large stainless steel wire zoo mesh for aviaries over tall pillars. It provides ample space for birds to live comfortably. 然而, choosing the right protection netting for birds can be challenging. Their fragile feathers can be easily damaged by rigid nets. The solution is BMP’s Stainless steel wire rope mesh for aviaries, which offers unmatched features and benefits.


    The Best Choice for Bird Mesh

    BMP’s flexible rhombus stainless steel zoo mesh is an ideal choice for bird mesh, as it has a flat surface without protrusions, ensuring that the enclosed birds are not caught on the mesh or injured. The Stainless steel wire rope mesh for aviaries has a durable construction that lasts for years, even with fierce scratches from birdsclaws.

    Advantages and Features of Stainless Steel Rope Decorative Wire Mesh

    As a stainless steel rope decorative wire mesh, BMP’s product offers numerous advantages and features. It is lightweight, has excellent load capacity, and maintains high transparency. This enables the netting to withstand strong winds, rain, and snow. While it may cost more than traditional plastic stainless steel wire rope mesh for aviaries, it has a much longer lifespan of over 30 years and requires minimal maintenance costs, ensuring cost efficiency in the long run.


    The Function of Stainless Steel Ferrule Rope Mesh

    The Stainless Steel Ferrule Rope Mesh serves several purposes in aviary design:

    1. Dense joining of net between aviary netting and tall trees to prevent birds from flying out.
    2. Pillar joins the aviary netting and reinforces them with cable rings.
    3. Large aviary netting spanning over many trees provides ample room for birds.
    4. Stainless steel aviary netting offers birds a more natural living environment.

    Product Details and Scope of Application

    BMP’s stainless steel rope decorative wire mesh has the following details:

    • 電纜材料: stainless steel AISI 304, 304L, 316, 316L.
    • Cable construction: 7 × 7 或 7 × 19.
    • Stainless Steel Zoo Mesh style: knotted cable mesh or ferrule type cable mesh.

    The stainless steel rope decorative wire mesh can be used for various applications, such as anti-falling rope net, animal pet net, plant climbing net, bird forest net, net bag, 等. For more information about the product, contact BMP!


    The stainless steel rope decorative wire mesh is packed in wooden cases for outer packaging. Customized special packages are also available upon consultation.

    Specification of stainless steel ferrule rope mesh buy from factory

    Bird species 法典 Wire construction Stainless Zoo Mesh Cable Mesh opening size stainless steel rope decorative wire mesh Average break (磅)
    Small birds Mesh
    AM-1 7 × 7 1/16″ 1.6 毫米 1″ × 1.” 25 mm × 25 毫米 480
    AM-2 7 × 7 3/64″ 1.2 毫米 1″ × 1.” 25 mm × 25 毫米 270
    AM-3 7 × 19 3/64″ 1.2 毫米 0.8″ × 0.8″ 20 mm × 20 毫米 270
    AM-4 7 × 7 3/32″ 2.4 毫米 3″ × 3.” 76 mm × 76 毫米 920
    AM-5 7 × 19 1/8″ 3.2 毫米 3″ × 3.” 76 mm × 76 毫米 1600
    AM-6 7 × 7 3/32″ 2.4 毫米 2″ × 2.” 51 mm × 51 毫米 920
    AM-7 7 × 7 5/64″ 2.4 毫米 2″ × 2.” 51 mm × 51 毫米 920
    AM-8 7 × 7 5/64″ 2.0 毫米 3″ × 3.” 76 mm × 76 毫米 676
    AM-9 7 × 7 5/64″ 2.0 毫米 2.4″ × 2.4.” 60 mm × 60 毫米 676
    AM-10 7 × 7 5/64″ 2.0 毫米 2″ × 2.” 51 mm × 51 毫米 676
    AM-11 7 × 7 5/64″ 2.0 毫米 2″ × 2.” 51 mm × 51 毫米 676
    AM-12 7 × 7 1/16″ 2.4 毫米 2″ × 2.” 51 mm × 51 毫米 920
    AM-13 7 × 7 1/16″ 1.6 毫米 1.5″ × 1.5″ 38 mm × 38 毫米 480
    AM-14 7 × 7 1/16″ 1.6 毫米 1″ × 1.” 25 mm × 25 毫米 480
    AM-15 7 × 7 3/64″ 1.2 毫米 1″ × 1.” 25 mm × 25 毫米 270
    AM-16 7 × 7 3/32″ 2.4 毫米 3″ × 3.” 76 mm × 76 毫米 920
    AM-17 7 × 7 3/32″ 2.4 毫米 2″ × 2.” 51 mm × 51 毫米 920
    AM-18 7 × 7 5/64″ 2.0 毫米 3″ × 3.” 76 mm × 76 毫米 676
    AM-19 7 × 7 5/64″ 2.0 毫米 2.4″ × 2.4.” 60 mm × 60 毫米 676
    AM-20 7 × 7 5/64″ 2.0 毫米 2″ × 2.” 51 mm × 51 毫米 676

    As a stainless steel rope decorative wire mesh, our products are only on the sheet list, and we are available to customize your size and mesh aperture; if you are interested pls, feel free to contact us to get a quotes



    BMP’s stainless steel rope decorative wire mesh is revolutionizing aviary design with its superior features and advantages. As a lightweight and durable solution, it offers birds a safe and comfortable environment while ensuring cost efficiency and longevity for zoo operators and other users.

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