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    Stainless Steel Knotted Rope Mesh is a new and flexible product, perfect for zoo fences and railings. People make it from strong 304 或 316 stainless steel wire rope, weaving it by hand for toughness and flexibility. Zoos, wildlife parks, and eco-parks all over the world use it. It gives a safe, 經久耐用, and good-looking way to make animal homes.



    Experts around the world appreciate stainless steel knotted rope mesh for its great performance in different settings. 它好強大, 靈活, 並持續好長時間, making it a top pick for zoo fence designers. You can find many examples of its successful use in South Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas.

    Experts all over the world trust stainless steel knotted rope mesh because it works really well in many places. 它好強大, can bend into different shapes, 並持續好長時間. That’s why zoo fence designers love to use it. You can see a lot of great examples in South Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas.

    Specification Stainless Steel Knotted Rope Mesh

    Inox Cable Netting Mesh Aperture Wire Diameter Panel Size (H X L) OW X OH 1.2mm 1.5mm 2 3.0mm 4.0mm

    JP-SS60/1.5 1.5毫米 60*60毫米 Playground mesh,Stairs Fence
    JP-SS50/1.5 1.5毫米 50*50毫米 Stairs Fence
    JP-SS30/1.5 1.5毫米 30*30毫米 shading canopy mesh,Tower Protection Net
    JP-SS25/1.5 1.5毫米 25*25毫米 Aviary mesh
    JP-SS20/01 1.0毫米 20*20毫米 Aviary mesh
    JP-SS30/01 1.0毫米 30*30毫米 Aviary mesh
    JP-SS40/01 1.0毫米 40*40毫米 Playground mesh,protection mesh
    JP-SS50/2.5 2.5毫米 50*50毫米 Animal enclosure

    Key Features of Knotted Rope Mesh:

    1. High break loading capacity and corrosion resistance
    2. 100% installation guarantee with precise panel dimensions
    3. Compatibility with tube frame or tension rope structures
    4. Customizable irregular shapes and large mesh pieces
    5. 輕, 靈活, and impact-resistant
    6. 耐用, resistant to color change, and corrosion-resistant in humid environments
    7. Excellent visibility and luxurious appearance
    8. Variety of specifications, customizable hole diameter, and rope diameter

    Stainless steel knotted rope mesh, also known as cable mesh or wire rope mesh, has several advantages over traditional wire mesh or metal grates. Here are some of the benefits:

    1. 耐久性: Stainless steel is a highly durable and corrosion-resistant material, making it ideal for outdoor and harsh environment applications.
    2. 強度: Knotted rope mesh has high tensile strength and can support heavy loads, making it suitable for various architectural and industrial applications.
    3. 靈活性: The mesh can be easily molded into various shapes and sizes, allowing for creative and custom design options.
    4. 美學: The sleek and modern appearance of stainless steel knotted rope mesh can enhance the look of any architectural or design project.
    5. 多面性: 它可用于廣泛嘅應用, including building facades, balconies, stairs, 橋樑, 動物圍欄, 同更多.



    Stainless steel knotted rope mesh is a versatile and effective solution for zoo fences and railings. 它的耐用性, 靈活性, and aesthetic appeal make it the perfect choice for various applications. 具有可定製嘅規格同易於安裝嘅特點, stainless steel rope mesh is the go-to option for enclosure designers worldwide.


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